Wednesday, December 9, 2015

troll khmer tinfy.It is generally known that humor contributes to a healthier wellbeing (both physical and psychological).[19] Previous research on humor and psychological well-being show that humor is in fact a major factor in achieving, and sustaining, a healthier more satisfying psychological wellbeing.[19] This hypothesis is known as general facilitative hypothesis for humor.[19] That is, positive humor leads to positive health. Contemporary research, however, have failed to support the previous assertion that humor is in fact a cause for healthier psychological wellbeing.[20] Some of the previous researches’ limitations is that they tend to use a unidimensional approach of humor because it was always inferred that humor was deemed positive. They did not consider the types of humor, or humor styles. For example, self-defeating or aggressive humor.[21] Research has proposed 2 types of humor that each consist of 2 styles, making 4 styles in total. The two types are adaptive, and maladaptive humor.[21] Adaptive humor consist of facilitative and self-enhancing humor, and maladaptive is self-defeating and aggressive humor. Each of these styles have impact on psychological, and the overall individuals’ wellbeing.[21] (1) Affiliative style humor. Individuals with this dimension of humor tend to use jokes as a mean of affiliating relationships, amuse others, and reduce tensions.[21] (2) Self-enhancing style humor. People that fall under this dimension of humor tend to take a humorous perspective of life. Individuals with self-enhancing humor tend to use it as a mechanism to cope with stress.[21] (3) Aggressive humor. Racist jokes, sarcasm and disparagement of individuals for the purpose of amusement. This type of humor is used by people who do not consider the consequences of their jokes, and mainly focus on the entertainment of the listeners.


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